EditiX XML Editor 2022

Schema Editor - XSLT Editor - XSLT Debugger - XSL-FO Editor - XQuery Editor

EditiX is a powerful and easy to use XML editor, Visual Schema Editor, XQuery Editor and XSLT debugger for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X designed to help web authors and application programmers take advantage of the latest XML and XML-related technologies such as XSLT / FO, DocBook and XSD Schema.

Training centers

accelebrate - editix xml editor-

XML Training by Accelebrate

Accelebrate provides hands-on, instructor-led XML training, XSLT training, and AJAX training with EditiX throughout North America .




XML Training by SkillForge

SkillForge is a North American training company offering online computer courses and onsite training for companies and organizations. SkillForge offers online and onsite instructor-led XML training, XSLT training, CSS training and Website Design Training as well as dozens of other online courses.


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XML Experts





SoftXML website is designed to help you understand what is XML and how to use XML technologies in your applications. We are providing xml-based website development & design services, specializing in XML based products and application development for the online community.





Data2type is the specialist for all problems regarding XML. Together with our clients, we analyse their individual problems for the structuring, conversion and output of data and define suitable approaches. With the help of workflow analyses and feasibility studies, we show how firms can optimise their processes. On this basis, we develop customised XML tools and support existing development teams with our expertise on structured data.


Our customers benefit from it: our expertise
The basis for our work is our long-time and wide experience with XML and its industry-specific applications. We are experts for the development of XSLT stylesheets and we have first-hand experience with the XSL-FO standard and the most common formatters. Furthermore, we know the schema languages DTD, XML Schema, Relax NG and Schematron. Numerous renown companies as Roche, BASF or the Deutsche Börse trust in our expertise.


That' s the basis of our lead: permanent education

The company data2type GmbH, based in Heidelberg, was founded by Manuel Montero Pineda in 2005. The author of relevant XML specialist literature offers an extensive seminar programme regarding the various aspects of XML. In addition, he passes on his expert knowledge to interested students at several universities.

Since its foundation, data2type has continuously grown. By now the team consists of seven regular employees and five freelancers. Permanent education is a cornerstone of our corporate philosophy. All employees participate in a fixed training programme which comprises at least four days per month and ensures that our wide knowledge base is continuously expanded and improved.






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EditiX's Users

"This is really a great app for creating and developing XML-based documents"

Rüdiger Weiß-Mazzoni

"useful and professional XML editor"

Eyal Katz
