Schema Editor - XSLT Editor - XSLT Debugger - XSL-FO Editor - XQuery Editor
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Presentation of EditiX XML Editor :
EditiX XML Editor provides users with an extensive range of XML functionality within a refined IDE that guides you with intelligent entry helpers. EditiX has realtime XPath location and syntax error detection.Helpers are also provided with context syntax popup supporting DTD, Schema and RelatxNG. EditiX supports multiple templates and project management. User can apply XSLT, XQuery or FO Transformation and show the result with a dedicated view. All the process can be managed byshortcuts. Working locally is managed with OASIS XML Catalogs. EditiX includes default templates with XML, DTD, XHTML, XSLT, XSD, XML RelaxNG, SVG, MathML and XML FO.
Logo of EditiX XML Editor :
243x100 :
"This is really a great app for creating and developing XML-based documents"
Rüdiger Weiß-Mazzoni
"useful and professional XML editor"
Eyal Katz