Schema Editor - XSLT Editor - XSLT Debugger - XSL-FO Editor - XQuery Editor
1. Get from the download page the latest ZIP version
2. Unzip the file. We suppose for this example, this document is located inside the Downloads/editix2021 directory from your Home directory. You can put it anywhere !
3. Open a terminal and use the following commands for changing the attribute of the file to be executed. We use here ~/Downloads/editix2021 for the folder as an example, you can choose another name.
cd ~/Downloads/editix2021/bin
chmod u+x
Once this operation is done, you can execute editix using inside the bin directory. You may also run it from the terminal with "./".
You can run it after as any mac os x applications, you don't have to use the terminal for running it.
Editix is now started. Congratulation !
Note : You need a Java (at least Version 8) command available inside the console ( For checking, open your console and use the following command "java -version".